Friday, September 30, 2005

Our Two Wonderful Sons
These photos were taken just prior to their work release or return from camp, as we like to say. While away on vacation, our oldest, or as the state seems to refer to him, FL#109678-6, was able to keep in shape playing baseball for the Florida State(penal league) All Stars. Our youngest, FL#109678-13, honed his artistic skill by teaching other "campers" how to paint. This, in spite of the fact that he was limited to teaching finger painting, due to the attempts of a few of the campers to turn the paint brushes into weapons.

Yes, our two wonderful sons. What parents wouldn't be proud? Boy, am I glad they look like their mother!

1 comment:

John Daharsh said...

Haha nice.

Good to see their faces, scewed as they may be in these shots.